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IBM Acquires Platform Computing. Whatever.

By Thomas Butta, NY Business Strategies Examiner Writers Note: This post is about what’s possible for those of you facing an opportunity to accelerate your organization to a higher level of value. It showcases a company that had the courage to challenge the status quo and heavy-duty competition. The story is longer than normal, but it’s a compelling case study that needs room to unfold. Did you catch the news of IBM’s latest software acquisition a few weeks ago? Business as usual for Big Blue? Certainly. But, who and what is Platform Computing? Click here to find out. We had the same...

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New Software on the New Platform

Highly relevant development for companies doing process automation. From Ben Horowitz’s Blog: You would never know If you could ever be If you never try You would never see —Lupe Fiasco, All Black Everything A year ago I wrote about a very special entrepreneur, Christian Gheorghe, who escaped Communist Romania, migrated to America, and—after starting here with $27 as a limo driver and construction worker—eventually became a computer scientist and an entrepreneur. I indicated that just as he broke from an oppressive, totalitarian regime, he planned to free his customers from the...

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Don’t Let Inertia Block Forward Progress

My last post, titled Delay Breeds Danger, talked to the importance of institutionalizing a sense of urgency as the way to accelerate through opportunities in front of you. Today’s post is about overcoming your single greatest challenge to swift action – that highly powerful blocking force of inertia. What exactly is inertia? Simply put inertia is everything that makes up what your organization stands for at the moment you embark on an accelerated path forward. Inertia can include any or all of the following: * Fear of change * Fear of the unknown * Your organization’s culture * Your...

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Delay Breeds Danger

My last post, titled Delay Breeds Danger, talked to the importance of institutionalizing a sense of urgency as the way to accelerate through opportunities in front of you. Today’s post is about overcoming your single greatest challenge to swift action – that highly powerful blocking force of inertia. What exactly is inertia? Simply put inertia is everything that makes up what your organization stands for at the moment you embark on an accelerated path forward. Inertia can include any or all of the following: Fear of change Fear of the unknown Your organization’s culture Your...

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Time To Change? How To Know?

Companies with little interest in pushing the boundaries won’t benefit a lot from a serious change program. Nor will companies that lack a sense of urgency. But, for determined organizations facing critical opportunities to accelerate, this is a great time to embark on the valuable path of change. I’ve put together a shortlist of questions to help you know if your organization would benefit from a change agenda: Is your company in a position to accelerate? If not, what’s in the way? Are you positioned for value – or are you selling based on features, functions or price? Are...

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