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Making Transformation Happen – Part 1

If transformation is the lifeline for businesses desperately in need of leaping beyond their current state to a place of higher value why do so few organizations achieve sustainable transformation? Why is transformation so challenging. Let’s take a look at what usually happens. Transformation efforts are commonly dominated by the planning and setting strategy. As you have surely witnessed anything having to do with strategy is a natural magnet for opinions, points of view, and involvement. That’s all well and good. Strategy requires input from a range of internal and external voices –...

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The Jeff Bezos Formula for Asymmetric Competition

The art of moving quickly with a savvy strategy. By Stephen Wunker, Contributor Today’s announcement of the Kindle Fire, possibly the iPad’s most serious competitor, underscores how Amazon’s Jeff Bezos remains one of the most predictably revolutionary leaders in business. Selling at just $199, the Fire can accelerate the growth of the already white-hot tablet market through leveraging revenue streams Apple lacks. It embodies the sort of asymmetric competition that has become Amazon’s trademark. How does the company do it? First, consider the legacy preceding the Fire. Amazon launched...

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