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I had a hard time deciding what to title this post. The subject was clear. This post would be about the balance between strategic positioning work and tactical activities. That is, the balance between driving enterprise value over the long run and enabling 90-day results. The word ‘balance’ is what threw me. Balance implies equality, but in a quarterly culture that favors short-term over long-term, sales and marketing activities are anything but balanced. Imbalance more accurately reflects the weighted state in which organizations operate today. The reality is that this balancing act is...

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It’s amazing to see the hype around hot categories today like cloud computing, social media and clean technology. Everywhere you turn, online or offline, pundits are talking about them, media are writing about them, and companies are selling all kinds of solutions for them. While these categories are indeed significant, the noise around them is deafening. If you’re intrigued with these concepts, you’ve likely noted that every trend comes with a frenzy of opinions and solutions, and everyone has his or her own take on what to do – or, more accurately, what to buy. In the case of cloud...

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